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The information contained herein is provided for informational and discussion purposes only and is not intended to be a recommendation for any investment, service, product, or other advice of any kind, and shall not constitute or imply an offer of any kind. Any investment opportunities and/or products or services shown here will only be completed pursuant to formal offering materials, a letter of intent, and/or any other agreements as determined by Hardscaprs containing full details regarding risks, minimum investment, fees, and expenses of such transaction. The terms of any product, service, or particular investment opportunity, including size, costs, and other characteristics, are set forth in the applicable constituent documents for such product, service or particular investment opportunity and may differ materially from those presented in this presentation. Such terms are subject to change without notice. This is not considered legal advice. Hardscaprs, LLC recommends all customers seeking any construction or any other services listed on the hardscaprs, LLC website to check contractor’s license, bond and insurance in which the contractor preforms business and or services. Perform other checks on complaints, legal actions or any other actions that may be present on a contractor before the customer makes a decision to hire any specific contractor.

Quotes included in these materials related to Hardscaprs, LLC services should not be construed in any way as an endorsement of Hardscprs, LLC advice, analysis, or other service rendered to its clients.

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